Jack Newman The vast majority of mothers are perfectly capable of breastfeeding their babies exclusively for about six months. In fact, most mothers produce more than enough milk. Unfortunately, outdated hospital policies and routines based on bottle feeding still predominate in too many health care institutions and make breastfeeding difficult, even impossible, for too many mothers and babies. For breastfeeding to be well and properly established, a good start in the early few days
Breastfeeding the natural alternative
This article is a free resource provided on the web site NBCI – Newman Breastfeeding Clinic & Institute. To read this article in full or look at other breastfeeding resources go to: http://www.nbci.ca
If you are pregnant and can join a La Leche League meeting in your area please do. This mother to mother breastfeeding support organisation works tirelessly to assist. You do not need to pay for their assistance. As an NPO you can join their ranks for a small fee, but it is not required.
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